HMPS Guidance and Counseling FKIP UAD Hands Over Three Sacrificial Animals to Residents of Kiyaran Hamlet, Bantul, Yogyakarta

Thursday, June 29 2023, coincides with Eid al-Adha. The Guidance and Counseling (BK) Study Program Student Association (HMPS) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) carried out the handover of sacrificial animals donated by three goats. The sacrificial animals were distributed to the people of Kiyaran Hamlet, Sumberagung Village, Kapanewon Jetis, Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY).

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BK Study Program of FKIP UAD held an activity “BK UAD Goes to Banjarnegara”

Monday – Tuesday, March 20-21, 2023, the Guidance and Counseling Study Program of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) carried out several activities in the agenda of “BK UAD Goes to Banjarnegara”.

The agenda included Achievement Motivation Training at SMA Negeri 1 Bawang and SMA Negeri 1 Banjarnegara. In addition, the 21st Century Teacher Competency Improvement Workshop was conducted to the Guidance and Counseling Teacher Conference (MGBK) in Banjarnegara Regency. The last agenda carried out was the Alumni Gathering of the BK Study Program of FKIP UAD.


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Guidance and Counseling Study Program FKIP UAD
“Excellent, Innovative, Imbued with Islamic Values”

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Dr. Dody Hartanto, M.Pd.: Speaker at AMT and Socialization of Continuation of Study for High School Students

On Monday, March 21, 2023, lecturers from the Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) were guest speakers at the Achievement Motivation Training (AMT) and Socialization of Class XII Study Continuation at Senior High School (SMA) Negeri 2 Bantul, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta. This activity was held to train students to develop themselves and provide insights related to the continuation of their’ studies when they graduate from high school.


AMT, or Achievement Motivation Training, is a training program that is held with the aim of self-development, especially increasing the participants achievement  motivation.This activity aims to motivate students to be able to foster encouragement from within and increase their enthusiasm for learning so that they are ready to face the Competency Certification Test and School Examination.

Meanwhile, the Socialization of Continuation of High School Students aims to provide views related to what needs to be prepared in studies when they have graduated from high school. In addition, Dr. Dody Hartanto, M.Pd., provided views related to majors that can be taken by students when they graduate from high school and prepare themselves for college.

UAD counseling lecturer presents AMT material at SMA N 2 Pangkalpinang

In early March 2023, a lecturer from the Guidance and Counseling Study Program of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) was a presenter at the Achievement Motivation Training (AMT) event held at SMA Negeri 2 Pangkalpinang. Agungbudiprabowo, M.Pd., as a lecturer in the BK Study Program of FKIP UAD, provided information in a relaxed and interesting manner. Students were very happy and enjoyed every time Agung delivered the material. The students even scrambled to answer questions from Agung. The students asked many questions related to how to enroll at Ahmad Dahlan University, especially at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education.

“A job that cannot be replaced by a robot is a teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Teachers all make you smart. Have good manners, adab, and educate sincerely. Therefore, you must continue his struggle, one of which is to become a teacher, “said Agung when delivering AMT.

Agung is one of the team members of the FKIP Goes to Bangka-Belitung team. The activity is one of the programs to establish friendship between partner schools. In addition, another goal is to strengthen the closeness and kinship with FKIP UAD Alumni. Many alumni have successfully pursued a career as a professional teacher, ready to educate the nation’s children.

The team and entourage closed the AMT activity by singing the song Something in Jogja. Students and the team mingled together, like a family who was chatting intimately. The song “Something in Jogja” was a magnet that made them feel as if they were already in Jogja and missed Jogja.

Implementation of Guidance and Counseling Service Techniques to Overcome Bullying Behavior in Kulon Progo Region Junior High School

(10/07/2019) Community service was carried out by the study program Guidance and Counseling at the Kulon Progo Region Junior High School which was driven by Hardi Prasetiawan, M.Pd., Amien Wahyudi, M.Pd. and Dra. Erni Hestiningrum, M.A. The process of implementing community service is carried out in eight sessions whose purpose is to equip and build the skills of counseling teachers in developing and implementing basic and responsive services to prevent bullying behavior in students.

In this activity, Guidance and Counseling Teachers are trained to prepare a current form of guidance and counseling services using BK Media and approaches in counseling. The evaluation of the results obtained is that students are able to prevent bullying from being carried out in the school environment as well as outside the school. The technique used for Guidance and Counseling Services becomes a driving force for counseling teachers and students to have a shared awareness to prevent bullying.

Train Teachers to Be Able to Compile Guidance and Counseling Action Research Proposals

(28/08/2019) Lecturer of Guidance and Counseling, Faculty of Education and Education, Ahmad Dahlan University held a Community Service Program (PPM) with the theme Enhancing the Ability of Guidance and Counseling Teachers in Preparing a Research Proporal for Guidance and Counseling Action. Program participants are guidance and counseling teachers at Muhammadiyah Middle Schools (SMP / SMA / SMK) in Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region. The number of participants who attended was 28 participants.

This program is designed because of the initiation due to the teacher’s problem that the teacher only pursues research reports, but does not necessarily design or plan research (proportional) from the start of the problem. This program was initiated by guidance and counseling lecturers. The speakers for this program are Agus Supriyanto, M.Pd., Agungbudiprabowo, M.Pd., and Drs. Purwadi, M.Si., Ph.D. This program is also assisted by the Head of the Professional Teacher Education Study Program, Ahmad Dahlah University, namely Dr. Sri Hartini, M.Pd. Implementation of the program in August 2019 for 1 month.

The material for this program includes knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts of Guidance and Counseling Action Research or abbreviated as PTBK. Then proceed with the material of Improving the Ability to Compose Introduction from problem identification, formulating problems, research objectives, knowing research variables, compiling background problems, and research benefits. The next stage, the teacher learns to compile a theoretical study with the help of Google Scholar as a reference. Then the teacher learns to compile research methods and research instruments as a basis for self-development. Finally, the teacher studies and compiles scientific publications in the form of scientific ideas from proposals. The results that have been compiled have been presented by the teacher as self-evaluation. This program impacts the ability of teachers to be able to design guidance and counseling action research proposals and applications in schools.

Peace Guidance and Counseling at Hein Namotemo University

(Tuesday, 24/09/2019) Lecturer of Study Program Guidance and Counseling, Faculty of Teaching and Education, Ahmad Dahlan University held Community Service activities through a public lecture at Hein Namotemo University, North Maluku. This activity is part of the dissemination of research funds from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. The public lecturer was Agus Supriyanto, M.Pd. and accompanied by Hardi Prasetiawan, M.Pd. Community service activities were carried out on Tuesday, September 24, 2019 at the Hein Namotemo University Seminar Room. Public lecture participants are all Guidance and Counseling Students and Lecturers, Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences, Hein Namotemo University.

The theme of the service activity is Peace Guidance and Counseling. This theme was raised because of the widespread behavior of aggression that emerged in Indonesia during the Presidential General Election. Aggressive behavior that appears in various forms, namely verbal, physical, anger, or hate. The peace guidance and counseling model is applied through classical and group peace guidance mechanisms, as well as individual and group counseling. The public lecture also implements peace counseling activities and is evaluated with students and lecturers of guidance and counseling at Hein Namotemo University.

The Importance of Family Resilience to Individual Personal Formation

(7/2/2020) Study Program Guidance and Counseling FKIP UAD represented by Amien Wahyudi, M.Pd. Organizing community service that is carried out in the village hall of the Cowelo Kidul hamlet, Candirejo Village, Semanu District, Gunung Kidul Regency. This activity was held in conjunction with the UAD Student Community Service Program in the village, which was attended by 30 women from Gebang, Cuwelu Kidul and Soka hamlets. The high level of problems that occur in the family makes the family vulnerable to emotional problems. Seeing this phenomenon, lecturers of UAD BK study program held a counseling activity with the theme Family Resilience. It is hoped that with this theme, the public, especially mothers, will know how important family resilience is to the formation of individual personalities because research shows that low resilience families are prone to making individuals experience emotional disorders such as anxiety, low self-esteem and even acts of aggression.

Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction in the Opak River Fault, Jogotirto, Berbah, Sleman

(20/12/20) Lecturers of the BK Study Program, FKIP, UAD carry out Community Service Program (PPM) activities which are carried out by methods of counseling, workshops, mentoring, independent assignments, and simulations. Activities are carried out online and face-to-face, given the Covid-19 pandemic. This community service program involves administrators of the Muhammadiyah branch of Berbah Sleman District and the village of Jogotirto Berbah Sleman.

Given the Covid-19 pandemic, on the recommendation of the Jogotirto Urban Village, the activities that were attended by representatives of the Jogotirto Youth Organization were carried out online and face-to-face by following health protocols. The material presented includes basic disaster management, introduction to earthquake disaster risk reduction, training in disaster risk assessment practical skills, and so on. This Community Service Program is supported by the Muhammadiyah Branch Leader (PCM) Berbah and the Jogotirto Berbah District Headquarters, Sleman.

One of the main indicators of the success of this community service program is the emergence of a new understanding of the concept of community-based disaster risk reduction. In addition, an action plan for a community was compiled to be more responsive to the occurrence of an earthquake due to a shift in the Opak fault in Jogotirto Sub-district, Kapanewon Berbah, Sleman Regency.

Leadership and Professionalism Training for Akademi Kebidanan Mulia Madani Students

(31/12/2020) Lecturers of the Study Program Guidance and Counseling Universitas Ahmad Dahlan carry out community service in the form of basic leadership training in the Akademi Kebidanan Mulia Madani Yogyakarta for the Academic Year 2020/2021. This activity was carried out at the Akademi Kebidanan Mulia Madani in Yogyakarta. This activity was attended by 35 students who are members of the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Akademi Kebidanan Mulia Madani. Leadership skills are basic skills that need to be possessed in organizations. On this occasion, Ulfa Danni Rosada, M.Pd. as a lecturer representative for the guidance and counseling study program provided material with the theme “Leadership Mental Health”. It is hoped that from these activities students will have a clearer understanding of several leadership styles and evaluate themselves to identify the type of leadership each student has. The training also emphasized that a leader needs to have mental health by being a leader with character, high integrity, upholding morals and norms that apply in society and having responsibility.