UAD counseling lecturer presents AMT material at SMA N 2 Pangkalpinang

In early March 2023, a lecturer from the Guidance and Counseling Study Program of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) was a presenter at the Achievement Motivation Training (AMT) event held at SMA Negeri 2 Pangkalpinang. Agungbudiprabowo, M.Pd., as a lecturer in the BK Study Program of FKIP UAD, provided information in a relaxed and interesting manner. Students were very happy and enjoyed every time Agung delivered the material. The students even scrambled to answer questions from Agung. The students asked many questions related to how to enroll at Ahmad Dahlan University, especially at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education.

“A job that cannot be replaced by a robot is a teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Teachers all make you smart. Have good manners, adab, and educate sincerely. Therefore, you must continue his struggle, one of which is to become a teacher, “said Agung when delivering AMT.

Agung is one of the team members of the FKIP Goes to Bangka-Belitung team. The activity is one of the programs to establish friendship between partner schools. In addition, another goal is to strengthen the closeness and kinship with FKIP UAD Alumni. Many alumni have successfully pursued a career as a professional teacher, ready to educate the nation’s children.

The team and entourage closed the AMT activity by singing the song Something in Jogja. Students and the team mingled together, like a family who was chatting intimately. The song “Something in Jogja” was a magnet that made them feel as if they were already in Jogja and missed Jogja.