Implementation of Guidance and Counseling Service Techniques to Overcome Bullying Behavior in Kulon Progo Region Junior High School

(10/07/2019) Community service was carried out by the study program Guidance and Counseling at the Kulon Progo Region Junior High School which was driven by Hardi Prasetiawan, M.Pd., Amien Wahyudi, M.Pd. and Dra. Erni Hestiningrum, M.A. The process of implementing community service is carried out in eight sessions whose purpose is to equip and build the skills of counseling teachers in developing and implementing basic and responsive services to prevent bullying behavior in students.

In this activity, Guidance and Counseling Teachers are trained to prepare a current form of guidance and counseling services using BK Media and approaches in counseling. The evaluation of the results obtained is that students are able to prevent bullying from being carried out in the school environment as well as outside the school. The technique used for Guidance and Counseling Services becomes a driving force for counseling teachers and students to have a shared awareness to prevent bullying.