Entries by bk uad

Study Program of Guidance and Counseling is welcoming Visitation of ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) Assessors

BK UAD (22/04/2021) – In the coming May 2021, Study Program of Guidance and Counseling (SPGC), Teacher Training and Education Faculty (FKIP), Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) will receive a visitation of AUN QA assessors. AUN QA is an association established to ensure the quality of education in ASEAN countries. AUN-QA certification is one of the […]

Visitasi Asesor ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) – Prodi Bimbingan dan Konseling, FKIP, UAD Siap Menerima

BK UAD (22/04/2021) – Pada bulan Mei 2021 mendatang, Prodi Bimbingan dan Konseling, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan akan menerima visitasi asesor AUN QA. AUN QA merupakan asosiasi yang didirikan untuk menjamin kualitas pendidikan di Negara-negara ASEAN. Tersertifikasi AUN-QA merupakan salah satu usaha prodi BK, FKIP, UAD untuk menjaga dan meningkatkan kualitas […]

Community Service: Dusun Garon, Panggungharjo, Sewon, Bantul, D.I. Yogyakarta

Stunting conditions can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle in the first 1000 days of life (HPK). This was socialized by the Community Service Team (PKM) from the Teaching and Education Faculty (FKIP) and the Faculty of Public Health (FKM) supported by the Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) Yogyakarta Institute for Research and Community Service […]

Implementation of Guidance and Counseling Service Techniques to Overcome Bullying Behavior in Kulon Progo Region Junior High School

(10/07/2019) Community service was carried out by the study program Guidance and Counseling at the Kulon Progo Region Junior High School which was driven by Hardi Prasetiawan, M.Pd., Amien Wahyudi, M.Pd. and Dra. Erni Hestiningrum, M.A. The process of implementing community service is carried out in eight sessions whose purpose is to equip and build […]

Train Teachers to Be Able to Compile Guidance and Counseling Action Research Proposals

(28/08/2019) Lecturer of Guidance and Counseling, Faculty of Education and Education, Ahmad Dahlan University held a Community Service Program (PPM) with the theme Enhancing the Ability of Guidance and Counseling Teachers in Preparing a Research Proporal for Guidance and Counseling Action. Program participants are guidance and counseling teachers at Muhammadiyah Middle Schools (SMP / SMA […]

Peace Guidance and Counseling at Hein Namotemo University

(Tuesday, 24/09/2019) Lecturer of Study Program Guidance and Counseling, Faculty of Teaching and Education, Ahmad Dahlan University held Community Service activities through a public lecture at Hein Namotemo University, North Maluku. This activity is part of the dissemination of research funds from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. The public lecturer was Agus […]

The Importance of Family Resilience to Individual Personal Formation

(7/2/2020) Study Program Guidance and Counseling FKIP UAD represented by Amien Wahyudi, M.Pd. Organizing community service that is carried out in the village hall of the Cowelo Kidul hamlet, Candirejo Village, Semanu District, Gunung Kidul Regency. This activity was held in conjunction with the UAD Student Community Service Program in the village, which was attended […]

Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction in the Opak River Fault, Jogotirto, Berbah, Sleman

(20/12/20) Lecturers of the BK Study Program, FKIP, UAD carry out Community Service Program (PPM) activities which are carried out by methods of counseling, workshops, mentoring, independent assignments, and simulations. Activities are carried out online and face-to-face, given the Covid-19 pandemic. This community service program involves administrators of the Muhammadiyah branch of Berbah Sleman District […]

Leadership and Professionalism Training for Akademi Kebidanan Mulia Madani Students

(31/12/2020) Lecturers of the Study Program Guidance and Counseling Universitas Ahmad Dahlan carry out community service in the form of basic leadership training in the Akademi Kebidanan Mulia Madani Yogyakarta for the Academic Year 2020/2021. This activity was carried out at the Akademi Kebidanan Mulia Madani in Yogyakarta. This activity was attended by 35 students […]