Continuous Quality Improvement: UAD BK Holds Review of Scientific Vision and Goals

Thursday, February 16 2024, at the Multimedia Laboratory of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD), the Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) FKIP UAD held an agenda for Reviewing the Scientific Vision and Goals of the Study Program. Apart from that, this activity was also carried out in a hybrid manner, using Zoom Meetings.

This activity was attended by the Head of the BK Study Program (Kaprodi) Irvan Budhi Handaka, M.Pd., Secretary of the BK Study Program (Sekprodi) Dr. Muya Barida, M.Pd., Head of the BK Laboratory, lecturers at the UAD FKIP BK Study Program and BK education staff. Not only that, this activity also invited Stakeholders consisting of Alumni Users, Practitioners, Alumni and Students from the UAD FKIP BK Study Program to make this activity a success.

This activity was officially opened by the Head of the BK FKIP UAD Study Program, Irvan Budhi Handaka, M.Pd. In his speech he expressed his gratitude for the assistance from lecturers, education staff and stakeholders who were willing to attend and participate in making this agenda a success.

This activity is a continuation of the socialization of the scientific vision and objectives of the UAD FKIP BK Study Program which was carried out previously. The purpose of holding this activity is to review whether the scientific vision and objectives of the UAD FKIP Guidance and Guidance Study Program are relevant to the current conditions of scientific development and the guidance and counseling profession.

Secretary of BK Study Program, Dr. Muya Barida, M.Pd., added that reviewing the scientific vision and objectives of the study program is very important, as a strength to align the ideals of the UAD FKIP BK Study Program with the needs of scientific and professional development in society today.

This activity ended with joint photo documentation and friendly hospitality.