
Improving Student Quality: UAD Guidance and Counseling Study Program Holds Teaching Practitioner Seminar

Students of the Guidance and Counseling Study Program at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Science (FKIP) Ahmad Dahlan University have taken part in Teaching Practitioner activities in the Guidance and Counseling Management course taught by the Guidance and Counseling Lecturer, namely Dr. Caraka Putra Bhakti, M.Pd. This activity was held on Friday, 20 October 2023 at the Amphitheater of the Faculty of Medicine, Ahmad Dahlan University.

The implementation of this Teaching Practitioner took the theme “Implementation of Innovative and Adaptive Guidance and Counseling in the Independent Curriculum” which presented resource teachers as guidance counselors from junior high, high school and vocational school in one of the schools in Yogyakarta. The first resource person is the Guidance Teacher at Muhammadiyah 1 High School Yogyakarta, namely Ricky Prasetyo, S.Pd, the second resource person is the Guidance Teacher at SMP Negeri 12 Yogyakarta, namely Wahid Aditiono, S.Pd., Gr, and the third resource person is the Guidance Teacher at Sewon 1 Public Vocational School, namely Ferry Adji Nugraho , S.Pd.

With Practical Teaching activities, students are not only provided with theory but are given knowledge and insight about how to apply the knowledge gained in college to real conditions in the world of education. Through this teaching practitioner program, it is hoped that students will gain more real insight into the world of educational work.

Embracing the Role of Guardians in Student Lectures: UAD Guidance and Counseling Study Program Holds Greetings for Student Guardians Class of 2023


On Friday, 20 October 2023 AD to coincide with 5 Rabiul Akhir 1445 AH, the Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Ahmad Dahlan University held a meeting with the guardians of the class of 2023 students. The meeting was called ” “Greetings to the Guardians of the 2023 Class of BK FKIP UAD Study Program.” The aim of this activity is to introduce the UAD FKIP BK Study Program, and the systematic role of guardians in the student learning process at the UAD FKIP BK Study Program.

Present at this activity were the Head of the BK FKIP UAD Study Program (Kaprodi), Irvan Budhi Handaka, M.Pd., along with the Secretary of the BK FKIP UAD Study Program (Sekprodi), Dr. Muya Barida, M.Pd., as leader and performer at this activity. Apart from that, Agus Ria Kumara, M.Pd, as class A teacher, Dr. Cara Putra Bhakti, M.Pd., as class B homeroom teacher, Rohmatus Naini, M.Pd., as class C homeroom teacher, and Arif Budi Prasetya, M.Pd., as class D homeroom teacher. More than 100 student parents attended the meeting This is to receive material and discussions related to the role of guardians in the student lecture process.

The activity was opened and led by the Head of the UAD FKIP BK Study Program, and then he explained the profile of the UAD FKIP BK Study Program. Apart from that, he conveyed the role of student guardians in the student learning process, including guardian monitoring of the student learning process. This monitoring can be accessed via the UAD Academic Portal using a guardian account.

After that there is an introduction session for the Guardian Lecturer or Academic Supervisor (DPA) for each class. Each DPA explained the DPA mechanism in accompanying students during the lecture process at the UAD FKIP BK Study Program.

The Secretary of the BK Study Program at the end of the session added that, the UAD FKIP BK Study Program made every effort to guide students in the learning process at the UAD FKIP BK Study Program. Not only on the academic side, but also on the religious side, this will be implemented through the Al Islam and Muhammadiyah (AIK) courses at UAD.

This activity ended with a discussion and question and answer session by student guardians with the Head of Study Program, Study Program Secretary, and DPA per class to explain the mechanism of the guardian’s role in the student lecture process at the UAD FKIP BK Study Program.

Discussing Teenagers and Toxic Friendship: PIK-M Sahabat Mentari UAD Holds Fun Sharing

On Friday, 13 October 2023 AD to coincide with 28 Rabiul Awwal 1445 AH, the Student Information and Counseling Center (PIK-M) Sahabat Mentari Ahmad Dahlan University held a “Fun Sharing” with the theme Teenagers and Toxic Friendship. This activity is motivated by the increasing number of cases among teenagers, namely Toxic Friendship or detrimental friendships between teenagers.

Through Instagram live streaming, this activity was held by presenting speaker Miranto Zainal Arief. Miranto is the 1st Place Men’s Ambassador of GenRe (Planned Generation) Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) 2023. Together with Casseya Mudi Romansya as moderator for this activity. Casseya is a student of the Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UAD and also the administrator of PIK-M Sahabat Mentari UAD.

The aim of this activity is to prevent teenagers from Toxic Friendship which is currently on the rise. This is in line with the discussion of this activity, namely discussing teenagers who have toxic friendships, the bad impacts of toxic friendships, how to avoid them, and teenagers’ strategies for choosing friends so they are not toxic.

PIK-M Sahabat Mentari UAD Holds Fun Learning Activities and a Healthy Weekend with Piyungan Residents

The Student Information and Counseling Center (PIK-M) Friends of Mentari Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) held a Happy Learning and Healthy Weekend activity with Piyungan Residents.

Located in Piyungan, Ngablak, Sitimulyo, Kec. Piyungan, Bantul Yogyakarta, this activity will be held on Sunday, August 20 2023 or 3 Shaffar 1445 H.

Starting with morning exercise activities, a balloon relay race, providing material with an extraordinary resource person, Alya Adinti @alyadnt_  from the DIY Genre Ambassador.

The activity continued with making handicrafts, distributing competition prizes, and ended with distributing basic necessities to residents.

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Increase Student Competence: UAD Guidance and Counseling Holds Sign Language Workshop

The Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) in collaboration with the BK FKIP UAD Study Program Student Association (HMPS) held a Sign Language Workshop for students.

Taking place at the UAD Main Campus in August 2023, this activity was carried out with resource person Herta Surya Maharta, S.Pd., Gr.

This activity aims to increase student competency in guidance and counseling services, especially in the Guidance and Counseling setting for Children with Special Needs (ABK).

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Preparing for Odd Semester 2023 2024: UAD Guidance and Counseling Study Program Holds Warm Meeting with Students


On Saturday, 16 September 2023 AD to coincide with 1 Rabiul Awwal 1445 AH, the Guidance and Counseling (BK) Study Program (BK) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Ahmad Dahlan University held a meeting with students. The meeting was with “One Hour Warmer with the UAD FKIP BK Study Program”. The aim of this activity is to provide students with preparation for taking all odd semester courses for the 2023/2024 academic year.

Present at this activity were the Head of the BK FKIP UAD Study Program (Kaprodi), Irvan Budhi Handaka, M.Pd., along with the Secretary of the BK FKIP UAD Study Program (Sekprodi), Dr. Muya Barida, M.Pd. as leader and performer of the event. A total of 800 students attended the meeting from semesters 1, 3, 5, to semester 7.

The Head of the BK Study Program said that learning strategies are important for students in studying, apart from that he followed students’ tips for graduating on time, one of which was by taking courses in the upper semester. The courses that can be taken in the upper semester are of course regulated in the BK Study Program curriculum which has been stated in the UAD Chancellor’s Decree (SK) No. 340 of 2020 concerning the UAD FKIP BK Study Program Curriculum.

The Secretary of the BK Study Program added that students must always be able to communicate intensively with the Academic Supervisor (DPA) to determine and implement the targets to be achieved in studying. Apart from that, he added, for 7th semester students, they are asked to actively contact the Final Assignment Supervisor in order to facilitate students’ timely studies at the UAD FKIP BK Study Program.

Understanding the Concept of Freedom to Learn and Freedom to Cultivate in the Context of Inclusive Education

As a relatively new educational concept, Merdeka Belajar does offer great potential in improving the quality and effectiveness of learning in Indonesia. However, like other new concepts, Merdeka Belajar is also not free from challenges and criticisms that need to be recognized and overcome in order to be implemented effectively.

The implementation challenge of the Merdeka Belajar program is the need for major changes in the ‘mindset’ and established educational practices. Proper and effective implementation requires time and support from all education stakeholders, as well as support and awareness from the community. In addition to implementation challenges, the inequality of education accessibility in Merdeka Belajar also needs to be considered. This program may be difficult to access for most students in remote areas and poor areas because they often lack accessibility to modern educational technology and facilities. The quality of teachers in Merdeka Belajar concept also cannot be ignored. This program places students as the subject of learning, and teachers are expected to be able to act as facilitators and guides. For this reason, educators are needed who have the competence and skills to facilitate learning that is more creative, innovative, and student-focused. One other thing that is also important related to Merdeka Belajar is the lack of supervision. Merdeka Belajar can cause a lack of supervision from the school or government on the student’s teaching and learning process. Lack of supervision can have an impact on the lack of quality standards and lack of student motivation in learning.

However, this does not mean that Merdeka Belajar is not worth adopting. In overcoming the challenges and criticisms as stated, Merdeka Belajar can be an opportunity to improve the established education system and improve the quality of education in Indonesia. There needs to be continuous efforts to improve understanding and application of Merdeka Belajar concept appropriately and effectively. In my opinion, the concept of Merdeka Belajar and Merdeka Berbudaya is very important and beneficial for the development of education in Indonesia. Merdeka Belajar can help students become more independent in the learning process and spur their creativity and innovation. Students who are accustomed to the concept of Merdeka Belajar will become more responsible individuals and be able to solve problems independently.

Meanwhile, the concept of Merdeka Berbudaya can help develop students’ cultural identity and creativity. Through Merdeka Berbudaya, students can understand the diversity of cultures in Indonesia and develop a sense of pride in their native culture. In addition, the concept of Merdeka Berbudaya can spur students’ creativity in producing artistic and cultural works that are beneficial to society. However, in order for the concept of Merdeka Belajar and Merdeka Berbudaya to be implemented properly, support and participation from all parties, including teachers, students, and parents, are needed. In addition, efforts are also needed to improve the quality of education, both in terms of facilities and infrastructure, as well as human resources involved in the education process.

The conclusion from the description above is that I believe that Merdeka Belajar and Merdeka Berbudaya can provide great benefits for the development of education in Indonesia. Of course, these benefits will only be realized if the concept is implemented properly and receives support from all parties.



Heni Mulyani (Student of Counseling Study Program FKIP UAD Batch 2021)

Freedom of Learning and Freedom of Culture in the Context of General Society

Freedom of learning and culture is an education programme initiated by the Indonesian government. This programme aims to strengthen the ability and character of individuals in developing their potential, as well as maintaining the cultural diversity that exists in Indonesia. In its implementation, the Merdeka Belajar and Merdeka Berbudaya programme emphasises the importance of practice in social life in general. Society is defined as a group of individuals who live together and work together to obtain common interests, and have an order of life, norms, and customs that are obeyed in the environment.

Learning independence can have a huge impact on individuals, especially in optimising their learning. Through this programme, individuals can freely choose an educational path according to their interests, talents and potential. In addition, learning independence can also increase individual motivation and independence in overcoming obstacles and obstacles in the learning process.

The cultured labelling in this programme can certainly provide great benefits to society at large. The programme can preserve the values, norms and customs of the community. Through culture, a sense of community is created as well as a strong identity of the community. Culture can also be a valuable intellectual value.

In practice, freedom of learning and culture can be exercised simultaneously and can achieve great benefits. For example, individuals can choose their educational path according to their interests, talents and potentials by always upholding the norms and customs that exist in society. Furthermore, through this, individuals can develop themselves optimally and make a positive contribution to society.

The community can take part as educational leaders in the surrounding environment by becoming agents of change. Through Merdeka Belajar and Merdeka Berbudaya programmes, they can instil the values of learning and cultural independence. Communities can promote the values of independence, freedom of thought and cultural diversity by bringing these values to their neighbourhoods. Communities can strengthen awareness about the importance of education and culture in building a better society.

According to an educational psychologist from Integrity Development Flexibility (IDF), Irene Guntur, as many as 87% of students in Indonesia have the wrong major. So, why do so many students major in the wrong subject? Here are four reasons underlying this phenomenon as quoted from the WEdushare page (accessed on 28 November 2021).

  1. Following friends;
  2. taking too much advice;
  3. because of scholarship offers; and
  4. parental reasons.

From several cases that occurred, it was found that many students experienced the wrong choice of major. Thus, freedom of learning and culture is expected to provide freedom for students in choosing majors according to their interests.

Bronfenbrenner, through systems theory, views that children’s development is influenced by a complex environment and consists of four systems, namely micro, meso, exo and macro systems. A supportive and positive environment can help children achieve optimal developmental maturity.

The link between learning and cultural independence and guidance and counselling services encourages the creation of a program that helps individuals freely choose majors according to their interests, talents, and potential. Guidance and counselling services provide assistance to individuals in deciding their choices independently. In learning and cultural independence, counselling theory can be used to help individuals make the right educational choices. The presence of counsellors helps individuals to know themselves better, and to explore their interests, talents and potentials. Through guidance and counselling, counsellors also help individuals overcome obstacles and barriers they experience.

Counsellors can appreciate the cultural diversity that exists in the general community. This is reflected in their efforts to help individuals understand cultural differences and encourage individuals to appreciate and understand different values. This can lead to an inclusive and self-sufficient society that accepts diversity and promotes the value of co-operation.

Therefore, learning and cultural independence are closely related to the general societal context. When learning and cultural freedom are promoted and empowered, individuals can develop lifelong learning abilities and acquire the necessary skills for future success. Meanwhile, when individuals value cultural diversity and are able to address cultural issues, they can help build an inclusive and self-sufficient society.



Fahri Reynaldi (Student of Counseling Study Programme FKIP UAD Batch 2022)

IMM BPP UAD Holds Work Conference and Upgrading for Members

On Sunday, April 2, 2023, IMM BK, PGSD, PGPAUD (BPP) Ahmad Dahlan University has held a Work Conference and Upgrading for Commissariat Leaders for the 2023/2024 work period with the theme “Inspiring for Achievement”. This activity aims to seek the formation of IMM BPP work programs that are deliberated together and approved by all IMM BPP Commissariat Leaders 2023/2024, provide an overview to new leaders about things that will be done in the next period and establish good relations with the IMM BPP commissariat family.

Located on campus 5 of Ahmad Dahlan University, Jalan Ki Ageng Pemanahan No. 19, Sorosutan Yogyakarta. Chairman of IMM BPP for the 2023/2024 period Rahmad Boli Raya in his speech said “As a qualified IMM cadre, you must be able and able to become a role model for fellow cadres in particular and students in general with academic and non-academic achievements.”

This activity was attended by members of the commissariat leadership, cadres and IMM BPP demissioners. This activity was filled with the delivery of material by demissioners from IMM BPP, namely Risco Ardian and Yeyen Febrilia. Then continued the presentation of the work program from each field in IMM BPP starting from the Daily Management, namely from the General Chairperson, General Secretary and General Treasurer. In this period, it is still like the previous period, it has 8 fields, namely the Organizational Field, the Cadre Field, the Wisdom Field, the Research and Scientific Development Field (RPK), the Tablig Study and Islamic Studies Field (TKK), the Social Culture and Sports Field (SBO), the Media and Communication Field (MedKom) and finally the Social and Community Empowerment Field (SosPeM).

Hopefully the work program that has been deliberated can run with istiqomah and benefit IMM BPP, the University and the wider community.

Proposal Seminar Schedule March 24-25, 2023

Here we submit the schedule for the Proposal Seminar Period March 24-25, 2023


SCHEDULE March 24, 2023

Day/Date : Friday, March 24, 2023
Time : 08.00 WIB
Place : Online

Zoom Link

Meeting ID : 978 0332 4896
Passcode : prodibkuad

Examiner 1: Dr. Hardi Santosa, M.Pd.
Examiner 2: Aprilia Setyowati, M.Pd.

with a total of 5 students with the following details:

No. NIM Name
1 1900001215 Tety Lisnawati
2 1800001165 Maudy Andita Putri
3 1700001149 M. Habib Ridha
4 1900001065 Lucky Resta Widias Putri
5 1900001110 Annisa Zulfa Dianah Lestari


SCHEDULE March 25, 2023

Day/Date: Saturday, March 25, 2023
Time : 08.00 WIB
Place : Online

Zoom Link

Meeting ID : 979 5667 5064
Passcode : prodibkuad

Examiner 1: Dra. Aif Muarifah, S.Psi., M.Si., Ph.D.
Examiner 2: Mufied Fauziah, M.Pd.

with a total of 5 students with the following details:

No. NIM Name
1 1900001138 Sarah Nabilla Diwanti
2 1900001069 Yufaqih Vidya Pratama
3 1900001070 Achmad Khanzil
4 1900001068 Mijil Muthoha
5 1900001063 Pradeska