IMM BPP UAD Holds Work Conference and Upgrading for Members

On Sunday, April 2, 2023, IMM BK, PGSD, PGPAUD (BPP) Ahmad Dahlan University has held a Work Conference and Upgrading for Commissariat Leaders for the 2023/2024 work period with the theme “Inspiring for Achievement”. This activity aims to seek the formation of IMM BPP work programs that are deliberated together and approved by all IMM BPP Commissariat Leaders 2023/2024, provide an overview to new leaders about things that will be done in the next period and establish good relations with the IMM BPP commissariat family.

Located on campus 5 of Ahmad Dahlan University, Jalan Ki Ageng Pemanahan No. 19, Sorosutan Yogyakarta. Chairman of IMM BPP for the 2023/2024 period Rahmad Boli Raya in his speech said “As a qualified IMM cadre, you must be able and able to become a role model for fellow cadres in particular and students in general with academic and non-academic achievements.”

This activity was attended by members of the commissariat leadership, cadres and IMM BPP demissioners. This activity was filled with the delivery of material by demissioners from IMM BPP, namely Risco Ardian and Yeyen Febrilia. Then continued the presentation of the work program from each field in IMM BPP starting from the Daily Management, namely from the General Chairperson, General Secretary and General Treasurer. In this period, it is still like the previous period, it has 8 fields, namely the Organizational Field, the Cadre Field, the Wisdom Field, the Research and Scientific Development Field (RPK), the Tablig Study and Islamic Studies Field (TKK), the Social Culture and Sports Field (SBO), the Media and Communication Field (MedKom) and finally the Social and Community Empowerment Field (SosPeM).

Hopefully the work program that has been deliberated can run with istiqomah and benefit IMM BPP, the University and the wider community.