Understanding the Concept of Freedom to Learn and Freedom to Cultivate in the Context of Inclusive Education

As a relatively new educational concept, Merdeka Belajar does offer great potential in improving the quality and effectiveness of learning in Indonesia. However, like other new concepts, Merdeka Belajar is also not free from challenges and criticisms that need to be recognized and overcome in order to be implemented effectively.

The implementation challenge of the Merdeka Belajar program is the need for major changes in the ‘mindset’ and established educational practices. Proper and effective implementation requires time and support from all education stakeholders, as well as support and awareness from the community. In addition to implementation challenges, the inequality of education accessibility in Merdeka Belajar also needs to be considered. This program may be difficult to access for most students in remote areas and poor areas because they often lack accessibility to modern educational technology and facilities. The quality of teachers in Merdeka Belajar concept also cannot be ignored. This program places students as the subject of learning, and teachers are expected to be able to act as facilitators and guides. For this reason, educators are needed who have the competence and skills to facilitate learning that is more creative, innovative, and student-focused. One other thing that is also important related to Merdeka Belajar is the lack of supervision. Merdeka Belajar can cause a lack of supervision from the school or government on the student’s teaching and learning process. Lack of supervision can have an impact on the lack of quality standards and lack of student motivation in learning.

However, this does not mean that Merdeka Belajar is not worth adopting. In overcoming the challenges and criticisms as stated, Merdeka Belajar can be an opportunity to improve the established education system and improve the quality of education in Indonesia. There needs to be continuous efforts to improve understanding and application of Merdeka Belajar concept appropriately and effectively. In my opinion, the concept of Merdeka Belajar and Merdeka Berbudaya is very important and beneficial for the development of education in Indonesia. Merdeka Belajar can help students become more independent in the learning process and spur their creativity and innovation. Students who are accustomed to the concept of Merdeka Belajar will become more responsible individuals and be able to solve problems independently.

Meanwhile, the concept of Merdeka Berbudaya can help develop students’ cultural identity and creativity. Through Merdeka Berbudaya, students can understand the diversity of cultures in Indonesia and develop a sense of pride in their native culture. In addition, the concept of Merdeka Berbudaya can spur students’ creativity in producing artistic and cultural works that are beneficial to society. However, in order for the concept of Merdeka Belajar and Merdeka Berbudaya to be implemented properly, support and participation from all parties, including teachers, students, and parents, are needed. In addition, efforts are also needed to improve the quality of education, both in terms of facilities and infrastructure, as well as human resources involved in the education process.

The conclusion from the description above is that I believe that Merdeka Belajar and Merdeka Berbudaya can provide great benefits for the development of education in Indonesia. Of course, these benefits will only be realized if the concept is implemented properly and receives support from all parties.



Heni Mulyani (Student of Counseling Study Program FKIP UAD Batch 2021)