UAD Hosts IMABKIN Region II Work Meeting

Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) Guidance and Counseling Study Program Student Association (HMPS) had the opportunity to host the 2023 meeting of the Indonesian Guidance and Counseling Student Association Region II (IMABKIN II). The Work Meeting lasted for 3 days (3-5/2) and was attended by the IMABKIN Central Board, IMABKIN Region II Board, IMABKIN Regional Board, and University delegates. It took place on Campus 4, and the main building of the work meeting was solemn.

The first day (3/2), a national seminar was held at the Faculty of Medicine Building with speakers Dr. Dody Hartanto, M.Pd. and Caraka Putra Bhakti, M.Pd with the theme “Optimizing the Role of Guidance and Counseling Facing Challenges in the Era of Society 5.0”, The activity went smoothly and was attended by lecturers, students of the UAD BK study program, and participants of the IMABKIN Region II Work Meeting.

The activity began with remarks from the chairman of HMPS BK Reza Burhannudin Yusuf, followed by the Chairperson of the IMABKIN Region II Management Nur Nabila Jaya, then continued with the Chairperson of the IMABKIN Central Management Saddam Husain, and remarks as well as opening the event by Mr. Irvan Budhi Handaka, M.Pd.

The Head of Guidance and Counseling Department of FETT UAD Irvan Budhi Handaka, M.Pd. gave a speech. In his speech, he said, thank you for choosing UAD to host the IMABKIN Region II (Java, Bali, and Nusa) Work Meeting and hopefully the work program of IMABKIN PW II can be useful for all BK students and others.

The hope of this IMABKIN PW II working meeting activity is that it will always be beneficial for all counseling students in Indonesia, especially in Region II (Java, Bali, and Nusa) and can be a forum for friendship for all counseling students throughout Indonesia.

Activity documentation can be seen in the following video