Students Win Three Awards at the “1st International Conference Convergence” Event

Hi Counselor Friends!!

Alhamdulillah, students of the Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) succeeded in winning three awards at the “1st International Conference Convergence” event.

The three awards, namely “1st Best Paper”, “1st Best Research Presentator”, and “1st Overall Research Presentation” were successfully obtained by Zaenab Amatillah Rodhiyya (UAD ‘2019 BK Student) and Hilda Hidayatun Nafi’ah (UAD ‘20221 BK Student) .

Zaenab and Hilda succeeded in winning the award at an activity held at the University of Mindanao Digos College, Philippines.


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