Study Program of Guidance and Counseling Towards the Independent Campus Competition Program (PKKM)

BK UAD – (Monday 26/04/2021) The development of the Study Program of Guidance and Counseling UAD towards a study program that is superior, innovative, global-minded and based on Islamic values needs to be continuously pursued, therefore through the Independent Campus Competition Program it is hoped that the Study Program Guidance and Counseling will be more advanced. Study Program Guidance and Counseling UAD conducted a visitation for the proposed Independent Campus Competition Program (PKKM) on April 26. Visitation is acknowledged online for one day to ensure the feasibility of the study program to implement PKKM. With the tagline Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling (Competent, Responsive, Humanist and Inclusive), the Study Program Guidance and Counseling proposes three activities and a development program.
Three programs were proposed in the first year, including: 1) Welcoming International Accreditation, which will be followed up with the “Relawan Kondangan” program (the counselor comes to the village), which is the Humanitarian Project Program and the “Ayo Sinau” program, which is a Student Exchange Program; 2) Edupreneurship, which is an Entrepreneurship Program; and 3) I Research, which is a Research Program.