Get to know more about the study program: Guidance and Counseling UAD Holds Camp Counseling for New Students

Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, the Guidance and Counseling Study Program Student Association (HMPS BK) and the Friends of Mentari Student Information and Communication Center (PIK-M Sahabat Mentari) FKIP UAD have held Camp Counseling and Adventure Based Counseling (CCABC) HMPS BK UAD 2023 with the theme ” Cultivate brotherhood, build closeness, create kinship between students.” This activity was attended by 99 students, out of a total of 99 new students from the class of 2023. This CC ABC activity was also attended by invited guests from HMPS BK dropouts and PIK M Friends of Mentari dropouts, this activity was officially opened by the Student Support Team, Mr. Arif Budi Prasetya, M.Pd. offline at Graha Kinasih Kaliurang, Jl. Boyong No. Km. 25, Kaliurang, Hargobinangun, Kec. Pakem, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region.

Camp Counseling and Adventure Based Counseling (CC ABC) activities aim to help students improve their intelligence abilities in the field of guidance and counseling. As well as being able to get to know, understand and relate to fellow new students in the guidance and counseling study program. This year’s CC ABC activities were held for 2 days, namely on Wednesday, 20 December 202 and Thursday, 21 December 2023. On the first day, the CC ABC activities invited 3 extraordinary presenters, and were divided into 2 material delivery sessions. The first session in the morning discussed “Be Mindful” delivered by Mrs. Rohmatus Naini M.Pd., then continued with the material “Strategies for creating strong and superior students” by Mr. Dr. Caraka Putra Bhakti., M.Pd, then the second session in the afternoon continued with the presentation of material regarding “Prodigy and kinship between BK students” by Mrs. Dr. Muya Barida, M.Pd., Kons.

Then after the Asr prayer, competitions were held, such as Posters, Vocals and Poetry. In the evening, there were pensi performances by each class representative, and guest star performances, including KSBK, and De Consoul.