Eight Ahmad Dahlan University Guidance and Counseling Students won 3rd Place in the Group Guidance Competition at UMSU

Students of the Guidance and Counseling Study Program of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) made another achievement in the Group Guidance Competition held by the Guidance and Counseling Study Program of the University of North Sumatra on December 30, 2023. With the theme “Implementation of counseling teachers in the Era of Society 5.0”, the team from the University Ahmad Dahlan Guidance and Counseling Study Program won 3rd place in the competition. The team consisted of Nisrina Hasna Safira (Class of 2019) as the counselor, Dhini Apriliani (Class of 2020), Heni Mulyani (Class of 2021), Nathaniella Zerlina Yekti (Class of 2019), Tazkiya Auliya Azfin (Class of 2021), Muhammad Didan Zaneti (Class of 2019), Carissa Ardiningrum (Class of 2019), and Fina Delvia Nuroniyah (Class of 2020).

The Guidance and Counseling Study Program of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) continues to provide assistance to students both in academic and non-academic fields. So that the UAD Guidance and Counseling Study Program is able to produce superior generations who are able to compete in various regional, national, and international competitions. It is hoped that the achievements made by BK students can rebuild the competitive spirit of other students so they can work and continue to develop themselves in college.