Lecturer Receives Functional Position as Associate Professor

The entire academic community of the UAD FKIP Guidance and Counseling study program would like to congratulate Dr. Dody Hartanto, M.Pd., for promotion to the functional position of Head Professor in the field of Guidance and Counseling.

Hopefully it will continue to bring progress in the development of science, especially in the field of guidance and counseling.

Eleven Teams of UAD BK Lecturers and Education Personnel Win DRTPM Grants for the 2023 Kemendikbudristek Research Program

The entire academic community of the Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) congratulates and succeeds to the team of lecturers and educational staff of the UAD FKIP BK Study Program who have successfully passed the DRTPM Grant with Research Program.

The DRTPM grant is a program promoted by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Dirjen Diktiristek) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) of the Republic of Indonesia.


Two Guidance and Counseling Study Program Lecturers of UAD Win the Best Graduates in Graduation at UM

Congratulations and success

Lecturer of the Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) became the Best Graduates I and II of the Doctoral Program in the Faculty of Education Sciences, State University of Malang (UM).

Dr. Wahyu Nanda Eka Saputra, S.Pd., M.Pd., Cons. is a graduate who won the award. With a GPA of 4.00 and a study period of 5 semesters, he won the With Praise award.

Dr. Muya Barida, M.Pd. is a graduate who won the award. With a GPA of 3.99 and a study period of 5 semesters, he won the With Praise award.

Benchmarking Study Program of Guidance and Counseling UAD with the Department of Guidance and Counseling UNNES

Benchmarking Study Program of Guidance and Counseling UAD with the Department of Guidance and Counseling UNNES


Educational Counseling Staff and Laboratory Assistant Win the Best Predicate in FKIP in March – April 2023

Congratulations and success to the best teaching staff and laboratory assistants in FKIP UAD for their commitment and consistency in arriving on time in March – April 2023.


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Benchmarking of BK Study Program FKIP UAD with BK Study Program FIP UPI

Tuesday – Wednesday, May 16-17, 2023, the Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) @prodibk_uad carried out Benchmarking of Study Programs and Laboratory Management (Lab.) BK FKIP UAD with the BK Study Program of the FIP of the University of Education of Indonesia (UPI) @prodibk.upi. This activity aims to improve the quality of each study program and establish good cooperation and friendship.

Indonesia (UPI) @prodibk.upi. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan mutu dari masing-masing program studi dan menjalin kerja sama serta silaturahmi yang baik.

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Fiatul Hurriyah: Best Graduate of BK UAD April 2023 Period

Congratulations and Success to Fiatul Huuriyyah, S.Pd., as the Best Graduate of the Guidance and Counseling Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Ahmad Dahlan University April 2023 Period with a GPA of 3.83 and get a predicate with Praise (Cumlaude).

List of Counseling Study Programs FKIP UAD | PMB UAD:
@pmb_uad | 0853 8500 1960 | 0856 267 1960

Guidance and Counseling Study Program FKIP UAD
“Excellent, Innovative, Imbued with Islamic Values”

Official UAD Guidance and Counseling Study Program:
Website : www.bk.uad.ac.id
Email : prodi@bk.uad.ac.id
Instagram : @prodibk_uad
Youtube : Prodibkuad
Facebook : Prodibkuad
Tiktok: @prodibk_uad

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Understanding the Concept of Freedom to Learn and Freedom to Cultivate in the Context of Inclusive Education

As a relatively new educational concept, Merdeka Belajar does offer great potential in improving the quality and effectiveness of learning in Indonesia. However, like other new concepts, Merdeka Belajar is also not free from challenges and criticisms that need to be recognized and overcome in order to be implemented effectively.

The implementation challenge of the Merdeka Belajar program is the need for major changes in the ‘mindset’ and established educational practices. Proper and effective implementation requires time and support from all education stakeholders, as well as support and awareness from the community. In addition to implementation challenges, the inequality of education accessibility in Merdeka Belajar also needs to be considered. This program may be difficult to access for most students in remote areas and poor areas because they often lack accessibility to modern educational technology and facilities. The quality of teachers in Merdeka Belajar concept also cannot be ignored. This program places students as the subject of learning, and teachers are expected to be able to act as facilitators and guides. For this reason, educators are needed who have the competence and skills to facilitate learning that is more creative, innovative, and student-focused. One other thing that is also important related to Merdeka Belajar is the lack of supervision. Merdeka Belajar can cause a lack of supervision from the school or government on the student’s teaching and learning process. Lack of supervision can have an impact on the lack of quality standards and lack of student motivation in learning.

However, this does not mean that Merdeka Belajar is not worth adopting. In overcoming the challenges and criticisms as stated, Merdeka Belajar can be an opportunity to improve the established education system and improve the quality of education in Indonesia. There needs to be continuous efforts to improve understanding and application of Merdeka Belajar concept appropriately and effectively. In my opinion, the concept of Merdeka Belajar and Merdeka Berbudaya is very important and beneficial for the development of education in Indonesia. Merdeka Belajar can help students become more independent in the learning process and spur their creativity and innovation. Students who are accustomed to the concept of Merdeka Belajar will become more responsible individuals and be able to solve problems independently.

Meanwhile, the concept of Merdeka Berbudaya can help develop students’ cultural identity and creativity. Through Merdeka Berbudaya, students can understand the diversity of cultures in Indonesia and develop a sense of pride in their native culture. In addition, the concept of Merdeka Berbudaya can spur students’ creativity in producing artistic and cultural works that are beneficial to society. However, in order for the concept of Merdeka Belajar and Merdeka Berbudaya to be implemented properly, support and participation from all parties, including teachers, students, and parents, are needed. In addition, efforts are also needed to improve the quality of education, both in terms of facilities and infrastructure, as well as human resources involved in the education process.

The conclusion from the description above is that I believe that Merdeka Belajar and Merdeka Berbudaya can provide great benefits for the development of education in Indonesia. Of course, these benefits will only be realized if the concept is implemented properly and receives support from all parties.



Heni Mulyani (Student of Counseling Study Program FKIP UAD Batch 2021)

Freedom of Learning and Freedom of Culture in the Context of General Society

Freedom of learning and culture is an education programme initiated by the Indonesian government. This programme aims to strengthen the ability and character of individuals in developing their potential, as well as maintaining the cultural diversity that exists in Indonesia. In its implementation, the Merdeka Belajar and Merdeka Berbudaya programme emphasises the importance of practice in social life in general. Society is defined as a group of individuals who live together and work together to obtain common interests, and have an order of life, norms, and customs that are obeyed in the environment.

Learning independence can have a huge impact on individuals, especially in optimising their learning. Through this programme, individuals can freely choose an educational path according to their interests, talents and potential. In addition, learning independence can also increase individual motivation and independence in overcoming obstacles and obstacles in the learning process.

The cultured labelling in this programme can certainly provide great benefits to society at large. The programme can preserve the values, norms and customs of the community. Through culture, a sense of community is created as well as a strong identity of the community. Culture can also be a valuable intellectual value.

In practice, freedom of learning and culture can be exercised simultaneously and can achieve great benefits. For example, individuals can choose their educational path according to their interests, talents and potentials by always upholding the norms and customs that exist in society. Furthermore, through this, individuals can develop themselves optimally and make a positive contribution to society.

The community can take part as educational leaders in the surrounding environment by becoming agents of change. Through Merdeka Belajar and Merdeka Berbudaya programmes, they can instil the values of learning and cultural independence. Communities can promote the values of independence, freedom of thought and cultural diversity by bringing these values to their neighbourhoods. Communities can strengthen awareness about the importance of education and culture in building a better society.

According to an educational psychologist from Integrity Development Flexibility (IDF), Irene Guntur, as many as 87% of students in Indonesia have the wrong major. So, why do so many students major in the wrong subject? Here are four reasons underlying this phenomenon as quoted from the WEdushare page (accessed on 28 November 2021).

  1. Following friends;
  2. taking too much advice;
  3. because of scholarship offers; and
  4. parental reasons.

From several cases that occurred, it was found that many students experienced the wrong choice of major. Thus, freedom of learning and culture is expected to provide freedom for students in choosing majors according to their interests.

Bronfenbrenner, through systems theory, views that children’s development is influenced by a complex environment and consists of four systems, namely micro, meso, exo and macro systems. A supportive and positive environment can help children achieve optimal developmental maturity.

The link between learning and cultural independence and guidance and counselling services encourages the creation of a program that helps individuals freely choose majors according to their interests, talents, and potential. Guidance and counselling services provide assistance to individuals in deciding their choices independently. In learning and cultural independence, counselling theory can be used to help individuals make the right educational choices. The presence of counsellors helps individuals to know themselves better, and to explore their interests, talents and potentials. Through guidance and counselling, counsellors also help individuals overcome obstacles and barriers they experience.

Counsellors can appreciate the cultural diversity that exists in the general community. This is reflected in their efforts to help individuals understand cultural differences and encourage individuals to appreciate and understand different values. This can lead to an inclusive and self-sufficient society that accepts diversity and promotes the value of co-operation.

Therefore, learning and cultural independence are closely related to the general societal context. When learning and cultural freedom are promoted and empowered, individuals can develop lifelong learning abilities and acquire the necessary skills for future success. Meanwhile, when individuals value cultural diversity and are able to address cultural issues, they can help build an inclusive and self-sufficient society.



Fahri Reynaldi (Student of Counseling Study Programme FKIP UAD Batch 2022)

Crisis Counseling Field Course at BASARNAS Yogyakarta

On Tuesday, May 2, 2023, BK study program students who took Crisis Counseling courses in Disaster Settings visited the Basarnas D.I Yogyakarta Office with an agenda of activities namely Observation and Field Course Practicum. There were 40 students who participated in the visit to the Basarnas office accompanied by the supervisor Mrs. Zela Septikasari, M.Sc, M.Pd.

As for some of the agendas of activities carried out by students at the Basarnas office based on an interview with one of the students, namely “Socialization and Provision of material from Basarnas about moving victims or moving sufferers and body mechanics, Observation of Basarnas rooms and warehouses, Explanation of vehicles used by Basarnas, and finally giving mementos and photo sessions together.

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