UAD Guidance and Counseling Students Win Various Championships in the National Student Counseling Competition Week

UAD BK Students Win Various Championships in National Student Counseling Competition Week

A total of eight students from the Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) succeeded in winning various national level championships.

The championship in the Student Counseling Competition Week event was held by the UAD Student and Alumni Affairs Bureau (BIMAWA) on 18 June – 22 July 2023 and was successfully won by eight UAD BK students.

These eight students include
1. Diki Herdiansyah 2000001013 PRODI BK won 2nd place in the individual counseling video competition sub theme actualizing the role of generation Z in developing SEL in the digital era
2. Muslimatun khairul latifah 2200001024 BK study program runner up 2 subtheme role of peers in character formation
3. Dhiemas adji pratama 2200001014 2nd place in poster competition sub-theme creating a safe environment for children
4. Hilda Hidayatun Nafi’ah 2115001130 1st place in poster competition sub theme SEL development in the digital era
5. Tazkiya auliya 2100001003 BK study program won 1st place in the motivational video competition sub theme of the role of peers in character formation
6. Pahla sevia novanti 2000001107 BK study program won 2nd place in the motivational video competition sub theme creating a safe environment for children
7. Anty kunanti 2000001134 BK study program won 1st place in the motivational video competition on the theme of SEL development in the digital era
8. Citra Rana Sari 2000001117 BK study program won 3rd place in the motivational video competition on the theme of SEL development in the digital era


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