UAD Guidance and Counseling Students Receive Sang Surya Scholarship

Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) through Lazizmu Ahmad Dahlan University organizes the Sang Surya Scholarship. This scholarship is held in the Even Semester of the 2023/2024 Academic Year. There are two pathways for this scholarship, namely (1) the Dhuafa Scholarship Pathway, and (2) the Achievement Scholarship Pathway. This scholarship is given to undergraduate (S-1) students at Ahmad Dahlan University.

The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), which is one of the faculties at UAD which also organizes the Undergraduate Program, also participated in providing opportunities for FKIP students to participate in the scholarship. A total of 10 FKIP students succeeded in obtaining the Scholarship, with an allocation of 8 students receiving the Dhuafa Scholarship Pathway, and 2 students receiving the Achievement Scholarship Pathway.

One of the ten FKIP students is a student from the Guidance and Counseling (BK) Study Program. She is Kharisma Yogiana Dewi. Kharisma obtained the scholarship through the Dhuafa Scholarship Pathway.

Hopefully, by providing this scholarship, it will increase the enthusiasm of the scholarship recipients to advance further in pursuing their studies at the FKIP, Ahmad Dahlan University.

(Amirul | Tim Promosi dan Creative)