Starting a New Management Period: PIK-M Friends of Mentari UAD Holds Inauguration and Work Meeting

Starting a New Management Period: PIK-M Friends of Mentari UAD Holds Inauguration and Work Meeting


Sunday, December 3 2023, at the Meeting Room Campus 2 Unit B of Ahmad Dahlan University, the Student Counseling Information Center (PIK-M) Friends of Mentari Ahmad Dahlan University held a Working Meeting and Inauguration of Members for the 2023/2024 Period.

This Work Meeting and Inauguration activity raised the theme “Increasing Organizational Spirit and Developing Innovative, Creative and Excellent Personal Potential with PIK-M Friends of Mentari”. active, and make a positive contribution in achieving overall organizational goals.

#weareuad #wearethenexteducators #fkipuad #prodibkuad #proudtobeacounselor #sayabangga