Improving Student Quality: UAD Guidance and Counseling Study Program Holds Teaching Practitioner Seminar

Students of the Guidance and Counseling Study Program at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Science (FKIP) Ahmad Dahlan University have taken part in Teaching Practitioner activities in the Guidance and Counseling Management course taught by the Guidance and Counseling Lecturer, namely Dr. Caraka Putra Bhakti, M.Pd. This activity was held on Friday, 20 October 2023 at the Amphitheater of the Faculty of Medicine, Ahmad Dahlan University.

The implementation of this Teaching Practitioner took the theme “Implementation of Innovative and Adaptive Guidance and Counseling in the Independent Curriculum” which presented resource teachers as guidance counselors from junior high, high school and vocational school in one of the schools in Yogyakarta. The first resource person is the Guidance Teacher at Muhammadiyah 1 High School Yogyakarta, namely Ricky Prasetyo, S.Pd, the second resource person is the Guidance Teacher at SMP Negeri 12 Yogyakarta, namely Wahid Aditiono, S.Pd., Gr, and the third resource person is the Guidance Teacher at Sewon 1 Public Vocational School, namely Ferry Adji Nugraho , S.Pd.

With Practical Teaching activities, students are not only provided with theory but are given knowledge and insight about how to apply the knowledge gained in college to real conditions in the world of education. Through this teaching practitioner program, it is hoped that students will gain more real insight into the world of educational work.

Embracing the Role of Guardians in Student Lectures: UAD Guidance and Counseling Study Program Holds Greetings for Student Guardians Class of 2023


On Friday, 20 October 2023 AD to coincide with 5 Rabiul Akhir 1445 AH, the Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Ahmad Dahlan University held a meeting with the guardians of the class of 2023 students. The meeting was called ” “Greetings to the Guardians of the 2023 Class of BK FKIP UAD Study Program.” The aim of this activity is to introduce the UAD FKIP BK Study Program, and the systematic role of guardians in the student learning process at the UAD FKIP BK Study Program.

Present at this activity were the Head of the BK FKIP UAD Study Program (Kaprodi), Irvan Budhi Handaka, M.Pd., along with the Secretary of the BK FKIP UAD Study Program (Sekprodi), Dr. Muya Barida, M.Pd., as leader and performer at this activity. Apart from that, Agus Ria Kumara, M.Pd, as class A teacher, Dr. Cara Putra Bhakti, M.Pd., as class B homeroom teacher, Rohmatus Naini, M.Pd., as class C homeroom teacher, and Arif Budi Prasetya, M.Pd., as class D homeroom teacher. More than 100 student parents attended the meeting This is to receive material and discussions related to the role of guardians in the student lecture process.

The activity was opened and led by the Head of the UAD FKIP BK Study Program, and then he explained the profile of the UAD FKIP BK Study Program. Apart from that, he conveyed the role of student guardians in the student learning process, including guardian monitoring of the student learning process. This monitoring can be accessed via the UAD Academic Portal using a guardian account.

After that there is an introduction session for the Guardian Lecturer or Academic Supervisor (DPA) for each class. Each DPA explained the DPA mechanism in accompanying students during the lecture process at the UAD FKIP BK Study Program.

The Secretary of the BK Study Program at the end of the session added that, the UAD FKIP BK Study Program made every effort to guide students in the learning process at the UAD FKIP BK Study Program. Not only on the academic side, but also on the religious side, this will be implemented through the Al Islam and Muhammadiyah (AIK) courses at UAD.

This activity ended with a discussion and question and answer session by student guardians with the Head of Study Program, Study Program Secretary, and DPA per class to explain the mechanism of the guardian’s role in the student lecture process at the UAD FKIP BK Study Program.

Discussing Teenagers and Toxic Friendship: PIK-M Sahabat Mentari UAD Holds Fun Sharing

On Friday, 13 October 2023 AD to coincide with 28 Rabiul Awwal 1445 AH, the Student Information and Counseling Center (PIK-M) Sahabat Mentari Ahmad Dahlan University held a “Fun Sharing” with the theme Teenagers and Toxic Friendship. This activity is motivated by the increasing number of cases among teenagers, namely Toxic Friendship or detrimental friendships between teenagers.

Through Instagram live streaming, this activity was held by presenting speaker Miranto Zainal Arief. Miranto is the 1st Place Men’s Ambassador of GenRe (Planned Generation) Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) 2023. Together with Casseya Mudi Romansya as moderator for this activity. Casseya is a student of the Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UAD and also the administrator of PIK-M Sahabat Mentari UAD.

The aim of this activity is to prevent teenagers from Toxic Friendship which is currently on the rise. This is in line with the discussion of this activity, namely discussing teenagers who have toxic friendships, the bad impacts of toxic friendships, how to avoid them, and teenagers’ strategies for choosing friends so they are not toxic.

PIK-M Sahabat Mentari UAD Holds Fun Learning Activities and a Healthy Weekend with Piyungan Residents

The Student Information and Counseling Center (PIK-M) Friends of Mentari Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) held a Happy Learning and Healthy Weekend activity with Piyungan Residents.

Located in Piyungan, Ngablak, Sitimulyo, Kec. Piyungan, Bantul Yogyakarta, this activity will be held on Sunday, August 20 2023 or 3 Shaffar 1445 H.

Starting with morning exercise activities, a balloon relay race, providing material with an extraordinary resource person, Alya Adinti @alyadnt_  from the DIY Genre Ambassador.

The activity continued with making handicrafts, distributing competition prizes, and ended with distributing basic necessities to residents.

#weareuad #wearethenexteducatos #fkipuad #prodibkuad #proudtobeacounselor #sayabangga

Increase Student Competence: UAD Guidance and Counseling Holds Sign Language Workshop

The Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) in collaboration with the BK FKIP UAD Study Program Student Association (HMPS) held a Sign Language Workshop for students.

Taking place at the UAD Main Campus in August 2023, this activity was carried out with resource person Herta Surya Maharta, S.Pd., Gr.

This activity aims to increase student competency in guidance and counseling services, especially in the Guidance and Counseling setting for Children with Special Needs (ABK).

#weareuad #wearethenexteducatos #fkipuad #prodibkuad #proudtobeacounselor #sayabangga

PIK-M Sahabat Mentari UAD Holds Outreach to Prevent Stunting and LGBT for Students

Thursday, September 21 2023, the Student Information and Counseling Center (PIK-M) Friends of Mentari Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) held an outreach to prevent stunting and LGBT behavior for students at SMA Negeri 7 Yogyakarta.

This activity aims to prevent stunting behavior and LGBT behavior which has recently seen a rise in stunting cases which are still relatively high in Indonesia, especially in the Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) province. Apart from that, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) behavior has recently become widespread in the world.

Proposal Seminar Schedule for the Period 20 October 2023

Assalamulaiakum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh.

Below we present the Proposal Seminar schedule for the 20 October 2023 period

Day/Date: Friday, October 20 2023
Time: 14.15 WIB – Finish
Place : (Offline)

Examiner 1: Agus Supriyanto, M.Pd.
Examiner 2: Dr. Akhmad Fajar Prasetya, M.Pd.

with a total of 6 students participating with the following details:

Maulana Ilham Syahputra (NIM. 1900001233)
Arga Wisnu Wardana (NIM. 1900001042)
Sohibul Fafa Tajul Arifin (NIM. 1900001195)
Devi Kumala Sari (NIM. 1900001022)

Students are invited to listen to the Proposal Seminar, because this is one of the requirements for submitting proposal seminar exams and thesis exams.

Thank You
Wassalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh

Dress Ethics for UAD Guidance and Counseling Study Program Students

Hi Counselor Friends!!!

Let’s take a look at the dress etiquette of students in the Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Ahmad Dahlan University.

#weareuad #wearethenexteducators #prodibkuad #proudtobeacounselor #sayabangga

Preparing for Sustainable Quality: UAD Guidance and Counseling Holds Work Meeting in 2023/2024

Friday – Saturday, 13 – 14 October 2023, the Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) held a Working Meeting for the 2023/2024 Fiscal Year. This activity aims to formulate and prepare various work programs that will be held by the UAD FKIP BK Study Program in 2023/2024. Apart from that, the aim of this activity is to act as a forum to increase friendship between the academic community of the UAD FKIP BK Study Program.

Located at the Grand Rohan Hotel, this activity was held with all lecturers, academic staff and laboratory assistants attending this activity. Head of the BK FKIP UAD Study Program (Kaprodi), Irvan Budhi Handaka, M.Pd., in his speech expressed his thanks to all parties who had attended, so that this activity could be carried out smoothly without any obstacles. This activity was carried out over two days divided into several activity topics per day.

Secretary of the UAD FKIP BK Study Program, Dr. Muya Barida, M.Pd., said that the first day was focused on creating and planning budgets and implementation timelines by each UAD BK Study Program work team for the various work programs that would be held. The next activity, namely the presentation of material from the Deputy Dean of FKIP for Human Resources (HR) and Finance, Property and General Administration (KKUI), Dr. Ani Susanti, M.Pd.BI. The presentation of this material is used as a basis for each UAD FKIP BK Study Program work team in preparing the budget and timeline for implementing the work program.


The second day of this work meeting was carried out with two main agendas. The first agenda is a presentation from the entire FKIP BK Study Program work team regarding the work program that has been prepared and planned. Apart from that, there were discussions and input from all lecturers and education staff regarding the work program that had been presented.

Furthermore, on the second agenda, a Workshop on Inputting RPS (Semester Expenditure Plan) was held on the UAD Portal System. The RPS that has been prepared is an Outcome Based Education (OBE) based RPS which is needed today. Present at this KRS Input Workshop was Afit Istiandaru, M.Pd., as a speaker on the RPS Input agenda.

In the end, the UAD FKIP BK Study Program Working Meeting, which was held for two days, ended with a group photo documentation.

Prof. Dr. Muchlas, M.T., Appointed as Chancellor of UAD for the 2023-2027 period

The entire academic community of the Guidance and Counseling Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Ahmad Dahlan University wishes you congratulations and success

Prof. Dr. Muchlas, M.T

for his inauguration as Chancellor of Ahmad Dahlan University for the 2023-2027 term