UAD Guidance and Counseling Holds Socialization and Measurement of Scientific Vision and Study Program Goals

Thursday, February 16 2024, the Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) held a Socialization and Measurement of the Scientific Vision and Goals of the Study Program. Taking place at the Multimedia Laboratory FKIP UAD, this activity was carried out smoothly. Located in the Multimedia Laboratory FKIP UAD and carried out in a hybrid manner using Zoom Meeting, this activity was carried out. Present at this activity were all the lecturers at the UAD FKIP BK Study Program, the Head of the BK Study Program (Kaprodi), the Secretary of the BK Study Program (Sekprodi), and the Head of the BK Laboratory. Not only that, this activity also invited Stakeholders consisting of Alumni Users, Practitioners, Alumni and Students from the UAD FKIP BK Study Program to make this activity a success.

This activity was opened and guided by the Head of the Guidance and Counseling Study Program (Kaprodi) FKIP UAD, Irvan Budhi Handaka, M.Pd. He expressed his infinite gratitude to all the invitees who were willing to attend this agenda. This activity aims to periodically socialize the scientific vision and objectives of the UAD FKIP BK Study Program and measure understanding of the scientific vision and objectives.

In his presentation, Irvan Budhi Handaka, M.Pd., said that the scientific vision of the UAD FKIP BK Study Program is the ideal of the study program in studying and developing certain sciences which are superior and define the study program’s field of expertise to respond to developments in science and technology and their application for benefit. society in order to improve the quality of life of the people in it both individually and collectively. This scientific vision is different from the institutional vision that exists at the Study Program Management Unit (UPPS)/Faculty or University level, but is still a derivative of the institutional vision of the Faculty and University.

Secretary of the Study Program (Sekprodi) BK FKIP UAD, Dr. Muya Barida, M.Pd., added that developing a scientific vision for a study program is important when the study program has unique standards. However, because the standards in PS are the embodiment of a vision, the study program vision must be formulated according to the study program’s scientific field and of course must be in line with the vision of UPPS and the university. The character of PS’s scientific vision must contain clarity, be realistic, visionary, be compatible with UPPS’s vision, and demonstrate scientific expertise.

The results of discussions between lecturers, educational staff and stakeholders agreed on the scientific vision of the UAD FKIP Guidance and Guidance Study Program, namely “To become an educational study program in the field of Guidance and Counseling based on human nature which is in line with the social constructivism paradigm oriented towards the benefit of the people”.

Apart from that, the objectives of the UAD FKIP BK Study Program are:

  1. Prospective guidance and counseling teachers in schools who are able to carry out tasks in accordance with their field of knowledge in developing students’ personalities and competencies, and are able to solve various problems faced by students.
  2. Guidance and counseling training assistant who is able to develop soft skills training, develop guidance and counseling service resources, and manage training institutions related to expertise in the field of guidance and counseling.
  3. Community empowerment facilitators are able to carry out community empowerment, family counseling, special needs counseling, and crisis counseling.

In more detail, the scientific vision and objectives of the UAD FKIP BK Study Program can be accessed on the FOLLOWING LINK.

This activity ended with a friendly reception, and continued with a Review of the Scientific Vision and Objectives of the UAD FKIP Guidance and Counseling Study Program.

Fun Talk: Preparations for the UAD Guidance and Counseling Study Program before entering the Even Semester of the 2023/2024 Academic Year


On Monday, 19 February 2024 AD to coincide with 9 Sha’ban 1445 AH, the Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Ahmad Dahlan University held a meeting with students. The meeting was called “Fun Talk Preparing for the Even Semester of the Academic Year (T.A. 2023/2024)”. The aim of this activity is to provide students with preparation for taking all lectures in the even semester of the 2023/2024 academic year.

Present at this activity were the Head of the BK FKIP UAD Study Program (Kaprodi), Irvan Budhi Handaka, M.Pd., along with the Secretary of the BK FKIP UAD Study Program (Sekprodi), Dr. Muya Barida, M.Pd. as leader and performer of the event. Around 200 students attended the meeting from semesters 2, 4, 6, to semester 8.

The Head of the BK Study Program said that learning strategies are important for students in studying, apart from that he conveyed tips for students to be able to graduate on time, one of which is by taking courses in the upper semester. The courses that can be taken in the upper semester are of course regulated in the BK Study Program curriculum which has been stated in the UAD Chancellor’s Decree (SK) No. 340 of 2020 concerning the UAD FKIP BK Study Program Curriculum. Apart from that, he also conveyed the elective courses that will be taken by semester 4 students. There are 3 concentrations in the elective courses that students can take. These concentrations are Guidance and Counseling in Family Settings, Guidance and Counseling in Special Needs Children (ABK) Settings, and Guidance and Counseling in Crisis Settings (Addiction and Disaster). Students are free to choose a scientific concentration that suits each student’s passion.

The Secretary of the BK Study Program added that students can always communicate intensively with the Academic Supervisor (DPA) to determine and implement the targets to be achieved in taking their studies. Apart from that, he added, for 8th semester students, they are asked to actively contact the Final Assignment Supervisor in order to facilitate students’ timely studies at the UAD FKIP BK Study Program.

The Student Final Task Force Team (Tetas Team) was also present at this activity. They explained about the preparations for semester 6 students to be able to take the BK Seminar course. In the BK Seminar course, students will prepare a final assignment proposal, which will later be presented in a seminar as a form of student readiness in completing the final assignment. Apart from that, they also said that 8th semester students must remain focused in completing their final assignments, so that they can graduate before 4 years or on time.

UAD Guidance and Counseling Study Program Holds Advanced Workshop on Preparing Patent Drafts

Thursday, February 16 2024, the Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) held a Patent Draft Advanced Workshop. Taking place at the Multimedia Laboratory FKIP UAD, this activity was carried out smoothly. Present at this activity were all lecturers from the UAD FKIP BK Study Program as participants, the Head of the BK Study Program (Kaprodi), the Secretary of the BK Study Program (Sekprodi), and the Head of the BK Laboratory. Don’t forget the resource person for this activity, namely Dr. Budi Santosa, M.Pd., was also present to provide material in preparing the patent draft.

Irvan Budhi Handaka, M.Pd., as Head of the BK FKIP UAD Study Program, in his speech expressed his thanks to the BK lecturers, leaders and staff who had helped make this activity a success. He added that this activity was a continuation of the Patent Workhop activity which was held at the end of December 2023.

Dr. Budi Santosa, M.Pd., as the resource person, explained tips on how to write a patent draft, the benefits if a patent has been issued, and lecturer credit figures that can be claimed in a patent that has been issued.

All lecturers followed carefully and enthusiastically participated in this activity. This was evident from several lecturers who asked questions and discussed the preparation of patent drafts.

This activity was continued with a discussion of the proposed patent title submitted by the UAD FKIP BK Study Program Lecturers and also a review from the resource persons. This activity then closed with a friendly gathering and group photos.

UAD Guidance and Counseling Lecturers Appointed as Heads of Work Units and Heads of Divisions at University Level

The extended family of the Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) would like to congratulate and succeed on the establishment of:

Dr. Dody Hartanto, M.Pd. as Head of the University Office

Dr. Caraka Putra Bhakti, M.Pd. as Head of Character Development and Welfare Division

Ariadi Nugraha, M.Pd. as Head of Public Relations and Protocol

Agungbudiprabowo, S.Pd., M.Pd. as Head of Marketing and Admissions

May you be blessed and useful in carrying out your trust.

Official Prodi BK UAD :
Website :
Email :
Instagram : @prodibk_uad
Youtube : Prodibkuad
Facebook : Prodibkuad
Tiktok: @prodibk_uad

#prodibkuad #proudtobeacounselor #fkipuad #weareuad

Workshop on Preparing Reference Books and Monographs for UAD Guidance and Counseling Lecturers

Wednesday, January 31 2024, the Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) held a Workshop on Preparing Reference Books and Monographs.

The workshop aims to provide in-depth insight to lecturers regarding preparation for writing textbooks.
The activity was opened directly by the Secretary of the BK FKIP UAD Study Program and continued with the delivery of material from Bumi Aksara editors and Bumi Aksara sales.

This activity was attended by lecturers from the UAD FKIP BK Study Program and took place in a solemn atmosphere. Mr and Mrs Lecturers were very enthusiastic about listening to the material presented by the presenters. By holding this activity, it is hoped that UAD FKIP BK Study Program Lecturers will be able to gain new insights and knowledge related to writing textbooks. Alhamdulillah, the workshop ran smoothly without any obstacles. This activity closed with prayer then continued with a group photo.

UAD Guidance and Counseling Study Program Academic Community Takes Share in Championships at Andalan Awards 2024

Alhamdulillah, the Guidance and Counseling (BK) Study Program (Prodi) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) succeeded in winning various championships in the 2024 Andalan Awards. This award was won by students, lecturers and study program student associations ( HMPS).


Official Prodi BK UAD :
Website :
Email :
Instagram : @prodibk_uad
Youtube : Prodibkuad
Facebook : Prodibkuad
Tiktok: @prodibk_uad

#prodibkuad #proudtobeacounselor #fkipuad #weareuad

UAD Guidance and Counseling Study Program Graduates 55 Graduates in the Graduation Period February 2024

The entire extended family of the Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) wishes you congratulations and success.

A total of 55 graduates from the UAD FKIP BK Study Program have successfully graduated in Period II of the 2023/2024 Academic Year.

#universitasahmaddahlan #uadunggul #unggul #weareuad #uadjogja #uad #muhammadiyah #islamberkemajuan #wisuda #wisudauad #graduation

The Guidance and Counseling Study Program Won Two 1st Places and in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education UAD

BK Study Program Won Two 1st Places and SE-FKIP UAD

The Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) succeeded in winning two first places and the best in the UAD FKIP as 1st Place in the Undergraduate Study Program with the Best Instagram Management and 1st Place in the Undergraduate Study Program in Number of Most Scopus publications at faculty level. The award was given directly by Mr. Muhammad Sayuti, S.Pd., M.Pd., M.Ed., Ph.D. as Dean of FKIP UAD.

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UAD Guidance and Counseling Receives a Visit from Madrasah Aliyah Assalam

Thursday, January 25 2024 The Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) received a visit from Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Assalam, Sukoharjo, Central Java.

Located at the Integrated Laboratory of Ahmad Dahlan University, this activity was carried out. Present at this activity were from the UAD FKIP BK Study Program, namely, the Head of the BK Study Program (Kaprodi), BK Study Program Secretary (Sekprodi), BK Student Assistance Team (TPM). Meanwhile, 40 students and 6 teachers from MA Assalam attended the visit.

Irvan Budhi Handaka, M.Pd., as Head of the UAD FKIP BK Study Program, welcomed the students and teachers from MA Assalam at the UAD FKIP BK Study Program. The study program is very open in providing information regarding the science of Guidance and Counseling. Meanwhile, from MA Assalam, in this case the accompanying teacher expressed his gratitude for the extraordinary welcome from the UAD FKIP BK Study Program during this visit. He said that this activity was aimed at benchmarking and gaining knowledge about the management of the Student Information and Counseling Center (PIK-M) Friends of Mentari UAD in increasing the capacity of PIK Pemuda (PIK-R) at MA Assalam.

The activity continued with presentation of material and benchmarking from PIK-M Friends of Mentari UAD regarding organizational management at PIK-M. Also present was the Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) Planning Generation (GenRe) Ambassador Alya Adinti, who is a 2020 BK UAD student to provide information about the activities of the DIY GenRe Ambassador.

This activity ended with a group photo and a visit to the UAD FKIP Guidance and Counseling Laboratory.

UAD’s Guidance and Counseling Master’s Laboratory Has a New Head

The entire extended family of the Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) wishes you Congratulations and Success

Dr. Wahyu Nanda Eka Saputra, M.Pd., Kons.

for his appointment as Head of the Master’s Laboratory of Guidance and Counseling, FKIP UAD.

Hopefully it will be a blessing and be useful in advancing educational science, especially in the field of guidance and counseling