Schedule for Proposal Seminar Period: April 7, 2023
Assalamulaiakum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh.
Here we submit the schedule for the proposal seminar period on April 7, 2023.
Day/Date: Friday, April 7, 2023
Time: 14.00 WIB
Place: Online Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 503 000 7958
Passcode: prodibkuad
Examiner 1: Agus Supriyanto, M.Pd.
Examiner 2: Dian Ari Widyastuti, M.Pd.
with a total of six students and the following details:
No. | NIM | Nama |
1 | 1600001014 | Difta Ratna Setianingsih |
2 | 1900001234 | Muhammad Fakhrur Rahman |
3 | 1900001052 | Erlinda Rahmawati |
4 | 1900001148 | Resti Diah Selviani |
5 | 1900001076 | Zain Immania Eliasa Amri |
6 | 1900001053 | Lina Setyaningrum |
Students are welcome to listen to the proposal seminar because this is one of the requirements for submitting a proposal seminar exam and a thesis exam.
Thank you
Wassalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh