UAD Guidance and Counseling Team Successfully Passes Top 20 Final SIC at University of Technology Sarawak, Malaysia

The Smart Innovation Competition (SIC) championship held by the University of Technology Sarawak (UTS), Malaysia, on 27-28 September 2024 is an international innovation championship for students. This activity has attracted the attention of various higher education institutions in the world. One of them is Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD), from Indonesia.

Ahmad Dahlan University, especially the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) sent various teams led by FKIP students to take part in the championship. A number of teams sent their best work accompanied by competent lecturers in their fields.

Two teams from FKIP Ahmad Dahlan University successfully qualified for the Top 20 Final of the Smart Innovation Competition Category C & D Senior. One of them is a team from students of the Guidance and Counseling Study Program (Prodi) FKIP Ahmad Dahlan University. The team was guided by Dr. Caraka Putra Bhakti, M.Pd. (BK Lecturer), and consisted of (1) Hilda Hidayatun Nafi’ah (Chairperson | BK Student); (2) Yulia Gesti Merkuri (Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn) Student); (3) Atika Silma Daima (Food Service Business Student); (4) Faza Warda Nadilla (BK Student); and (5) Tasya Ami Zakiyah (BK Student) carrying the title “Berdikari: Development of board game media to improve Self Directed Learning for Middle School Students”.

Hopefully with this achievement, the team from BK students will continue to be enthusiastic and can win medals in the championship.

(Amirul, Promotion and Creative Team)