UAD BK Brings in Prof. Dr. Saifuddin Azwar: Holds Textbook Writing Workshop

Friday, November 10 2023, the Guidance and Counseling (BK) Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) held a Textbook Writing Workshop for UAD FKIP BK Study Program Lecturers. Taking place at the Grand Rohan Hotel, this activity was attended by all lecturers at the BK FKIP UAD study program and resource persons, namely Prof. Dr. Saifuddin Azwar, M.A.

Head of the BK FKIP UAD Study Program (Kaprodi), Irvan Budhi Handaka, M.Pd., in his speech expressed his thanks to the lecturers and committee who took the time to attend this activity. This activity aims to increase the capacity of lecturers in making textbooks as a forum for implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. He also did not forget to express his thanks to the resource person, for agreeing to be present to share knowledge about making textbooks with the BK FKIP UAD lecturers.

Prof. Saifuddin Azwar, who is a Professor in the field of Psychiatry and also a resource person, delivered material on tips for writing textbooks, reasons why lecturers should write, and how to be productive in writing textbooks. All lecturers seemed enthusiastic in participating in this activity. Several lecturers asked the speakers questions about how to write well and consistency in writing textbooks.

This activity was continued with the distribution of topics that would be compiled into textbooks for each lecturer, and continued independent work. This activity then closed with a group photo and a friendly gathering.

Activity documentation can be viewed at the following link.