Proposal Seminar Schedule for the Period 07 May 2024

Assalamulaiakum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh.

Below we present the proposal seminar schedule for the period 7 May 2024

Day/date: Tuesday 7 May 2024

Hours: 08.00 to 10.00

Room: 9th floor, Thesis courtroom R.912

Examiner 1. Tri Sutanti, M. Pd
Examiner 2. Rohmatus Naini, M. Pd

with the number of participants being 3 students with the following details.

1 Pulung Surya Wardhana 19000001151
2 Ratna Hidayati Khasanah 2000001009
3 Fismayati Nur Anggraini 1800001118


Students are invited to listen to the Proposal Seminar, because this is one of the requirements for submitting proposal seminar exams and thesis exams.

Thank You
Wassalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh