Prof. Alif Muarifah, Ph.D., and Prof. Dr. Suyatno Inaugurated as Professors at UAD

The extended family of the Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) FKIP Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) would like to say

Congratulations and Success to

1. Prof. Dr. Suyatno, S.Pd.I., M.Pd.I (Vice Dean of FKIP UAD for AIK, Academic, and Student Affairs) for the Inauguration of Professor in the field of School-based Management Science.

2. Prof. Dra. Alif Muarifah, S.Psi., M.Si., Ph.D. (Lecturer of the BK Study Program FKIP UAD) for the Inauguration of Professor in the field of Psychology.

May it be a blessing and always bring progress to the development of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.


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