UAD Guidance and Counseling Study Program Collaborates with HMPS BK to Hold SEFT Workshop for Students

Saturday, July 15 2023, the Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) in collaboration with the BK FKIP UAD Study Program Student Association (HMPS) held a SEFT (Spiritual Emotional Freedom) Workshop Technique) for students.

This activity aims to improve students’ abilities in implementing guidance and counseling services. SEFT is an innovative counseling technique. The technical stages utilize human physical, psychological and spiritual aspects in harmony. These three aspects are used to help overcome the counselee’s problems.

This activity presented a speaker from Yogyakarta State University (UNY), Isti Yuni Purwanti, M.Pd., and was attended by Lecturers from the UAD FKIP BK Study Program and UAD FKIP BK Study Study Program students, especially semester 4.

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PIK-M Sahabat Mentari UAD and UAD Guidance and Counseling Study Program Hold Family Counseling Workshop for Students

The Student Counseling Information Center (PIK-M) Friends of Mentari Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) in collaboration with the Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UAD held a Family Counseling Workshop for students.

Taking place at the UAD Main Campus on July 1 2023, this activity was carried out with resource person Cania Mutia, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psychologist.

#weareuad #wearethenexteducatos #fkipuad #prodibkuad #proudtobeacounselor #sayabangga

Collaboration between Lecturers, Students and Alumni Results in “Bronze Medal” and “Best Virtual Booth” at UITM Malaysia

Collaboration between Lecturers, Students and BK UAD Alumni Results in “Bronze Medal” and “Best Virtual Booth” at UITM Malaysia.

The team from the Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) succeeded in winning the “Bronze Medal” and “Best Virtual Booth” at the 2023 Virtual International Competition held by Universiti Teknologi MARA (UITM) Malaysia and attended by more than 10 countries.

The team headed by the UAD FKIP BK Study Program lecturer, Caraka Putra Bhakti, M.Pd., and consisting of M.A.N. Ghiffari, S.Pd., Cucu Kurniasih, S.Pd., (Alumni of the UAD BK Study Program), as well as Zaenab Amatillah R., Hilda Hidayatun N., and Heni Mulyani (UAD BK Study Program Students) succeeded in winning two awards with the title project “DEIY: Delve Into Yourself”: Development of Student Success Skills Analysis Application to Prepare Careers For Productive Generations In The Future.

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HMPS Guidance and Counseling FKIP UAD Hands Over Three Sacrificial Animals to Residents of Kiyaran Hamlet, Bantul, Yogyakarta

Thursday, June 29 2023, coincides with Eid al-Adha. The Guidance and Counseling (BK) Study Program Student Association (HMPS) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) carried out the handover of sacrificial animals donated by three goats. The sacrificial animals were distributed to the people of Kiyaran Hamlet, Sumberagung Village, Kapanewon Jetis, Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY).

#hmpsbkuad #iduladha2023 #uad #fkipuad #prodibkuad #weareuad #wearethenexteducators

PIK-M Sahabat Mentari UAD Holds Public Speaking Training for Students

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings
Greetings GenRe👌

Thank God, the PIKM Friends of Mentari Guidance and Counseling Public Speaking Training activity was carried out with the theme “Becoming a Teenager with Character and Confidence in Public” which was held on Monday, June 26 2023 in the Multipurpose Room on the 10th floor of Campus IV, Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta.

#pelatihan #publicspeaking

Muhammadiyah Student Association BPP Commissariat Passes Funding for 2023 PKK Ormawa Program

The entire academic community of the UAD FKIP BK Study Program wishes IMM BPP UAD Congratulations and Success for passing the funding for the 2023 Ormawa PKK Program.

This program is a program implemented by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology, Ministry of Education and Culture


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The Student Information and Counseling Center (PIK-M) Friends of Mentari Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) successfully held Peer Counseling Training for Students.

Sunday, 04 June 2023, the Student Information and Counseling Center (PIK-M) Friends of Mentari Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) successfully held Peer Counseling Training for Students.

This Peer Counseling Training carries the theme “Peer Counselors who are Different (Authorized and Cultivated)”.

Peer counseling is a way for students to learn how to pay attention to and help other students, and apply this in everyday life. Prospective peer counselors are trained in basic listening and problem-solving and decision-making skills.

This activity aims to provide knowledge, build attitudes, and develop the skills needed, starting from fostering awareness to basic counseling skills.

Academic Visit of the Counseling Guidance Study Program at Al-Azhar Islamic University of Indonesia with the UAD Guidance and Counseling Study Program

Friday, 09 June 2023

The Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) received an Academic Visit from the Islamic Counseling Guidance Study Program (BKI) Faculty of Psychology and Education, Al-Azhar University Indonesia (UAI).

This activity aims to establish friendship and increase collaboration on the Tri Dharma of Higher Education between the UAD BK Study Program and the UAI BKI Study Program.


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UAD Guidance and Counseling Study Program Produces Graduates in Less Than 4 Years

The entire academic community of the FKIP Guidance and Counseling Study Program, Ahmad Dahlan University, wishes congratulations and success to the two fastest graduates of the UAD FKIP BK Study Program.

Ataliya Khoirotunniswah Asy Syifa’, S.Pd., and Wafirotun Zadzifah, S.Pd., succeeded in becoming the fastest graduates of the UAD FKIP BK Study Program. Both of them managed to graduate in 3 years 8 months 21 days.


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Alumni Passed Stage 1 Selection for LPDP Scholarship in 2023

The entire academic community of the FKIP Guidance and Counseling Study Program, Ahmad Dahlan University, wishes congratulations and success to the BK FKIP UAD Alumni.

Panji Nur Fitri Yanto, S.Pd., successfully passed the 2022 Phase I LPDP Scholarship selection.