Ahmad Dahlan University Guidance and Counseling Lecturer Passed as DPL Campus Teaching Batch 5

The entire big family of the Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BK Study Program), Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) @fkip_uad Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) @klik_uad would like to congratulate and wish success to Dr. Hardi Santosa, M.Pd. @hard_dhe (Lecturer of BK Study Program at FKIP UAD), who has successfully passed as a Field Assistance Lecturer (DPL) for Campus Teaching Program Batch 5 @kampusmengajar. The Teaching Campus Program is part of learning and teaching activities in basic education units from the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program @kampusmerdeka.ri, which aims to provide opportunities for students to learn and develop themselves through activities outside the classroom (Kemdikbud, 2023). This activity is organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia in 2023 @kemdikbud.ri


List of Counseling Study Programs FKIP UAD | PMB UAD:
@pmb_uad | 0853 8500 1960 | 0856 267 1960

Guidance and Counseling Study Program FKIP UAD
“Excellent, Innovative, and Imbued with Islamic Values”

Official UAD Guidance and Counseling Study Program:
Website : www.bk.uad.ac.id
Email : prodi@bk.uad.ac.id
Instagram : @prodibk_uad
Youtube : Prodibkuad
Facebook : Prodibkuad
TikTok: @prodibk_uad

#prodibkuad #proudtobeacounselor #fkipuad #weareuad #prestasiprodibkuad

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