UAD Guidance and Counseling Lecturers Successfully Pass Funding for the 2024 “KATALIS” Program

Alhamdulillah, one of the lecturers from the Guidance and Counseling (BK) Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD), Dr. Wahyu Nanda Eka Saputra, M.Pd., Kons., successfully passed as a Recipient of Strategic Research Collaboration Program Funding (KATALIS) for the 2024 Fiscal Year organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia.

Dr. Wahyu successfully passed the funding with the proposal title “Model Construction and Application of “Problem Checklist- v2″ as a Comprehensive Diagnostic Psychological Assessment for Indonesian Alpha Generation Students”. In addition, he successfully passed the funding by becoming a member of the team chaired by Prof. Dr. Nur Hidayah, M.Pd., from the State University of Malang.

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