Proposal Seminar Schedule for the Period 25 May 2024

Assalamulaiakum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh.

Below we present the Proposal Seminar schedule for the period 25 May 2024

Day/date: Saturday 25 May 2024
Hours: 14.15 to 16.05

Examiner 1. Irvan Budhi Handaka, M.Pd.
Examiner 2. Aprilia Setyowati, M.Pd.

with a total of 6 students participating with the following details.

Nadia Ayu Fameilia 1700001108
Anggun Friska Setyaningrum 1900001182
Wina Apriyani 2000001186
Ch Mutiara Fajrin 1700001035
Muhammad Farhan 2000001066
Tito Arifien Moesa 2000001014

Students are invited to listen to the Proposal Seminar, because this is one of the requirements for submitting proposal seminar exams and thesis exams.

Thank You
Wassalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh